Key phrase generator
Temporarily remove words from generation. Reduces the number of phrases

Keyword combinator

Number of phrases -


Keyword Combinator

About us

Our online tool comes to the rescue when you need to multiply groups of words and get the maximum number of possible combinations.

The online service generates a list of phrases based on the entered word groups. Phrase generation is instantaneous.

Our service will be useful for:

  • to multiply word lists for Google Ads;
  • combine words into phrases at the initial stage of composing a semantic core;
  • to search for possible combinations for registering a new domain name and then upload the ready list to the domain name checker.

Working principle

You enter a list of words in the columns and get the result in real time.

The number of columns is not limited. Add new columns in any order and as many as you want.

Some columns can be temporarily disabled so that they do not participate in the generation.

If you mark the lists as "Optional", the words will be multiplied with or without them.

The result of the phrase combination is available as a list, which can be unloaded to a text file. For operative work it is possible to save the result in clipboard by one click.

The service is confidential. Entered phrases are not stored and do not transmit. After you close the page phrases are deleted.

Ideas about the service, please send to e-mail info@intersectwords.ru.